My poems have appeared in the following magazines and anthologies
Sirensong, or The Effeminate Voice #3 in bath magg #13
london love poem was longlisted for the National Poetry Competition in 2023
midnight strikes a new man in The North #68 the caring issue
The North – 68 - The Poetry Business
sometimes i think i'm the wrong type of gay in Propel #1
Serge Neptune, [sometimes i think i'm the wrong type of gay] — Propel Magazine
aria of queer rage in The Rialto #98
Rescue and The Day After in Untitled: Voices #4
autumn is the queerest season in Queer Life, Queer Love
Poem in Which I Break a Chair on my Father's Back in Magma #79
For Every Queer They Kill a Merman is Born was commended by Andrew McMillan in the Winchester Poetry Competition in 2020 and included in their anthology
I Will Love a Man Whose Eyes Are Tempest in Fourteen Poems #4
Dawn in Impossible Archetype #9
#9 – Impossible Archetype (
mermen as voyeurs, ariel and Butt-sex in Queerlings #1
mermen in the city / slithering in Finished Creatures #4 - Stranger Issue
Theories Concerning the Origin of Merpeople in Perverse #4
PERVERSE 4H - Perverse (
Suicide Attempt in Anthropocene
Suicide Attempt by Serge ♆ Neptune (
A Mermen Choir: Let a Tap Left Dripping Overnight in whynow
A Child Comes Out as a Merman in Harana
A Child Comes Out as a Merman ... by Serge Ψ Neptune | harana poetry
Pietà with Merman and Drowned Body and A Mermen Choir: How we First Came to Land in Lighthouse
These Queer Merboys and The Merman Has Had a Plethora of Boyfriends in Banshee #9
Judith Beheading Holofernes in Spontaneous Poetics
Spontaneous Poetics: JUDITH BEHEADING HOLOFERNES by Serge ♆ Neptune
All the Pretty Little Mermen, Last Time my Lover Came Inside me and A Merman Choir: We Know Plenty of How Men... in Brittle Star #44
First Rain in Ink Sweat & Tears
Wander in Strange Poetry
Serge Neptune /Wander/ | strange POE try (
My poem Hello, This is God With His Wishlist was part of a short poetry film commissioned by The London Science Museum. You can find it here along with poems by Lisa Kelly, Nadia Nadarajah and DL Williams.
The Exchange - Science Museum Blog